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+﹏+ 沪江词库精选节能减排英语怎么说及英文翻译、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 reduce carbon emission and save energy energy saving and emission reduction 相似短语 reduce...每日一词∣节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction 近日,国务院印发《“十四五”节能减排综合工作方案》。《方案》明确,到2025年,全国单位国内生产总值能源消耗比...

关于节能减排的英语作文 My View on Reducing Carbon Emission Every year billion tons of carbon dioxide is added into the air, which in part results in ...节能减排英语 节能减排conserve energy ,reduce emissions [词典]energy saving and emission reduction; energy conservation and emission reduction; Energy Conservation...

≥^≤ 节能减排的英文: reduce carbon emission and save energy energy saving and emission reduction reduce是什么意思: v. 缩减,减小;简化;将…还原;节食;降职 be...节能减排 节能减排的英文翻译 基本释义 energy-saving and emission-reduction 分享单词到:

˙﹏˙ 节能save energy 减排reduce greenhouse gas emissions 降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource consumption 环保产品 environment—friendly product 全球变暖 global war...1. 节能减排 节能的英文... ... 节能减排 : energy saving and emission reduction节能减排:Energy conservation and emission reduction... www.showxiu.com|基于24个网页 ...